For the Oppo-nauts who are just joining us, I've been "restoring", for lack of a better word, a 1985 AMC Eagle station wagon.
You can refer to the earlier entries for the story of how this car ended up in my garage, and for a description and pictures of the progress up to now. For that second part, a brief synopsis. In the time I could find during evenings and weekends:
- I removed the entire drivetrain between the engine and the differentials
- Disassembled and rebuilt the blown and leaking transmission
- Fixed a leak in the transfer case
- Reinstalled the transmission
The transmission’s stiffening
brace is also back in, and I’ll most likely have a post about putting the
transfer case in sometime next week.
So, is the end in sight, you ask?
Well, sort of. As near as I can figure, here’s the list of what still needs to
be done. I’ll probably put this in at the end of each entry, for anyone who
wishes to follow along at home. Also, this way I don’t have to keep wondering
where I put the paper version of the list. You’ll note the dollar signs by the
particularly pricey items.
Reinstall starter and brace- Put in the transfer case
- New transmission fluid cooler line to replace the one I had to break
- New u-joints for the driveshafts
- A new driver’s side CV axle in the front
- Install new exhaust components, possible re-using the old muffler
- All new neat belts ($$)
- New (stock) rims and tires ($$)
- New shift indicator cable (which keeps the gearshift from moving accidentally)
- Service the front and rear differentials
- New gas springs for rear hatch
- Repair heater core with some stop-leak and a prayer
- Fix whatever makes the A/C compressor scream when it’s on
- New under-hood insulation
- Interior detailing
- And let’s face it, a new paint job. Desperately needed. ($$$$)